Jun 14, 2024
Everyone thinks Africa is far smaller than it really is—-Is this racism? How many Greenlands could fit into Africa—1 or 15? Look at a map. Now look at a globe. How the Methodist Church of the Ivory Coast in Africa horrified white-skinned Methodists. Why the Danube and the Rhine rivers in Europe are navigable but the Zambezi and Congo in Africa are not. European colonials were banished from Africa by the 1960s, that was good, right? China is now colonizing 52 out of 54 African countries, that is bad, right? Join the Happy Warrior community https://www.wehappywarriors.com/. Africa is more Christian than you would think. How do they run telephone wires through the jungle? 5,000 Chinese companies operate in the United States, but in Africa, the number is more than 10,000. The African way in dress, friendship, and fertility.