Feb 26, 2021
Although you might not have noticed it yet, wherever in the world you live, your life is being impacted as America yields international hegemony to China. How is America declining?
One: K-12 Education; two: communication; three: war on financial independence; four: war on traditional family; five: making skin color the universal explanation; six: deficit spending; seven: War on Judeo-Christian faiths.
Since 1964 American rankings in high school science and math have dropped from the very top to lower than 40th out of 70 nations. But our per student spending has continually climbed; how can this be? We examine two different women, each representative of the two different nations occupying North America. Why obscenity has crept into the language and is used so much more today than in 1960. How clash of culture kills communication which in turn, undermines the economy.
This show is the antidote and here are the weapons https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-unit1. Enjoy. Remember that whatever storms swirl turbulently around the foundations of your life, you must focus on your 5Fs.
Also mentioned in the podcast:
America's Real War - https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/americas-real-war-ebook/
The Holistic You - https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-you