Aug 8, 2020
Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. The one reliable definition of male. Let’s say a genie pops out of the lamp and offers you a ‘re-do’ of the ten years of your life; from when you were thirteen until the time you were twenty-three. Yes or no? I’d wager that you’d take up the genie’s offer. You won’t be surprised to hear that over 90% of the population agrees with you. Wouldn’t you love to re-make the many crucial decisions of those ten years but with knowing what you now know?
Imagine how your life would be different if you knew when you were a teenager exactly what your own human nature was like and if you knew the importance of overcoming it and you knew how. If you knew the impact of clutter and chaos back then and you overcame procrastination and knew how money worked back then, how might your life be different today. So do a tremendous favor to a young person of your acquaintance.
This show is about the magical ten years in life; ages 13—23 years-old. These are the years in which subsequent success in life is rooted and, sadly, the years in which the origin of future failure can usually be found. Here are the step-by-step success strategies that young people should follow for positioning themselves for everything good in life. The show is not about the importance of being cool. It is not about learning how to rap or tap dance and it is not about social media. But it is about sex and money; the two areas in which most men have the most regrets. Here are the things you wish you knew when you were between 13 and 23 years-old. The show starts with William Shakespeare and ends with Rudyard Kipling; those two very unpopular dead white guys knew a thing or two! Have you noticed lately that too many people get a thrill from bossing you around? I start off this show by explaining why. Learning how to get rid of bad habits.