Mar 15, 2024
Men used to tend toward jobs in which they work with things
(farming, construction, factories, etc.), while women tended
towards home and family or jobs in which they work with people
(teaching, nursing, stewardess, etc.). A few people worked with
ideas (lawyers, philosophy professors, clergy). Today it's less
evident than it used to be. But maybe men still yearn to make,
manipulate, or fix things so they have hobbies. Men working in
agriculture: 1900 = 38%; 2000 = 10%. Does having things in his life
help keep a man sane? What happens when faith is obliterated? From
1860-1960: Marx - Secular morality; Darwin - Secular origin story;
Freud - Secular s*x, Einstein - Secularism = All is relative.
Abandon naive confidence in higher education to instill moral
awareness of right and wrong. Check out my May appearance in